A response at once

... or not !

The Response API lets you access the data your surveys collect — on demand and in JSON format — without setting up webhooks or third-party integrations.


Going further

Consult the API Reference for more.


Feel stucked ?

Need help with an error? Head to Troubleshooting and errors for more information.

Key Concepts

With the Response API, you send a GET request each time you want to retrieve your data.

The response includes all the submissions your surveys have received so far, in JSON format. You can also add query parameters to your requests so that responses include only submissions received after a certain date and time or within a certain date range. The Response API reference lists and describes all of the available query parameters.

The bulk mode allows you to retrieve responses 20 by 20 (the paging is customizable).

Use query parameters to retrieve specific data

Suppose you expect thousands of responses on your surveys. To keep your Response API requests manageable, you decide to retrieve your survey's data once each day. In other words, you'll retrieve yesterday's data today, today's data tomorrow, and so on. Because you don't want to retrieve every response to your surveys, you'll use the start_date and end_date query parameters to narrow the scope of your request and limit the API response by date.

Use start_date and end_date query parameters to retrieve a date range.

Let's assume today is July 10, 2018, and you're going to retrieve the the previous day's data. Here's the walkthrough:

  1. You'll still use the GET https://api.goodays.co/v2/responses/bulk endpoint, but don't send your request yet!

  2. Add the start_date query parameter to your request. The start_date parameter is a string that uses ISO 8601 format, Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), with "T" as a delimiter between the date and time. July 10, 2018 at 12:00 a.m. UTC is expressed as 2018-07-10T00:00:00. If you want to retrieve responses for yesterday, 2018-07-09, the value for your start_date query parameter would be 2019-07-09T00:00:00. This means your response will include responses received since 12:00 a.m. UTC on July 9, 2018.

  3. Add the end_date query parameter to your request. The end_date parameter is also a string in the same format as the start_date parameter. The value for your end_date query parameter would be 2018-07-10T00:00:00. This means your response will include responses received up until 12:00 a.m. UTC on July 10, 2018.

Here's what the cURL request looks like:

curl --location --request GET 'https://api.goodays.co/v2/responses/bulk? \
	start_date=2019-07-09T00:00:00Z \
  &end_date=2019-07-10T00:00:00Z' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: {access-token}'

Now, you can send your request. The response will include only the responses that were submitted yesterday, July 9, 2018. Like this sample:

    "next": "https://api.goodays.co/v2/responses/bulk?cursor=cD0yMDE5LTA3LTA5KzE0JTNBNTklM0E0OS42NTM3NjAlMkIwMCUzQTAw&end_date=2019-07-10T00%3A00%3A00Z&start_date=2019-07-09T00%3A00%3A00Z",
    "previous": null,
    "results": [
            "id": "gxKrrlok4o",
            "token": "936d44f4d5a9a95c63b3f0cc7d4642477a9f03836b5efadddd373d114e84c423",
            "created_date": "2019-07-09T17:48:36.222412+02:00",
            "updated_date": "2019-07-09T22:48:36.254510+02:00",
            "source": "email",
            "survey": {
                "id": "QOJ85mb8wE",
                "slug": "post_purchase_pos",
                "label": "Post purchase point of sale",
                "enabled": true,
                "detail_url": "https://api.goodays.co/v2/surveys/QOJ85mb8wE"
            "answers": [
                    "id": "vdJrLvWQdD",
                    "value": 8,
                    "question": {
                        "id": "1vdOBYlA8l",
                        "title": "Would you recommend Style to your friends and family?",
                        "type": "nps",
                        "enabled": true
                    "id": "y8V20vN28G",
                    "value": 4,
                    "question": {
                        "id": "pe8NzypJ8j",
                        "title": "Are you satisfied with your checkout experience?",
                        "type": "stars",
                        "enabled": true
            "message": {
                "id": "TTT",
                "created_date": "2021-11-22T15:42:48.691040+01:00",
                "type": "Problem",
                "content": "I like this shop!",
                "attachment": null,
                "sender": {
                    "email": "EMAIL",
                    "first_name": "PRÉNOM",
                    "last_name": "NOM"
            "reply": null,
            "user": {
                "email": "[email protected]",
                "first_name": "George",
                "last_name": "Abitbol",
                "opt_in": {
                    "newsletter": false,
                    "email": false,
                    "sms": false
            "context": {
                "email": "[email protected]",
                "phone": "06123456789",
                "crm_id": "",
                "last_name": "Abitbol",
                "first_name": "Georges",
              	"extra": {
                    "order_id": "12345",
		                "title": "Mademoiselle",
            "place": {
                "id": "5gd0Lz1XdL",
                "partner_id": "142",
                "name": "Style Aix-en-Provence",
                "enabled": true,
                "detail_url": "https://api.critizr.com/v2/places/5gd0Lz1XdL"
            "delegated_to": null,
            "attached_messages": [],
            "state": "open",
            "thread": "6dn1GnXl8E",
            "actions": {
                "reply": "https://api.goodays.co/api/v2/responses/gxKrrlok4o/reply",
                "spam": "https://api.goodays.co/api/v2/responses/gxKrrlok4o/spam",
                "close": "https://api.goodays.co/api/v2/responses/gxKrrlok4o/close"
            "id": "p4MZZJJBx2",
            "token": "ceabc8599d95d926cf617b0fe420c6f975e3f3deb83ced454e22f8e43b87b1b1",
            "created_date": "2019-07-09T16:59:49.653760+02:00",
            "updated_date": "2019-07-09T16:59:49.685842+02:00",
            "source": "email",
            "survey": {
                "id": "QOJ85mb8wE",
                "slug": "post_purchase_pos",
                "label": "Post purchase point of sale",
                "enabled": true,
                "detail_url": "https://api.goodays.co/v2/surveys/QOJ85mb8wE"
            "answers": [
                    "id": "vdJrLvWQdD",
                    "value": 8,
                    "question": {
                        "id": "1vdOBYlA8l",
                        "title": "Would you recommend Style to your friends and family?",
                        "type": "nps",
                        "enabled": true
            "message": null,
            "reply": null,
            "user": null,
            "context": null,
            "place": {
                "id": "okxwBz5B4y",
                "partner_id": "049",
                "name": "Style Ajaccio",
                "enabled": true,
                "detail_url": "https://api.goodays.co/v2/places/okxwBz5B4y"
            "delegated_to": null,
            "attached_messages": [],
            "state": "open",
            "thread": null,
            "actions": {},
            "alert_triggered": false

Add some filters

It is possible to add GET parameters to refine the response list over a defined period, a point of sales...

GET parameters

To refine the result, it is possible to combine the following GET parameters:

GET parametersDescription
start_dateStart date of the collection period.
Format : YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ
See this page for the timezone management.
end_dateEnd date of the collection period.
Format : YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ
See this page for the timezone management.
date_fieldChoose the date on which the period filter should be set.
See chapter Choose the date to filter

💡 We recommend that you systematically use this parameter in your API calls with the value updated_date to retrieve all entries that have been modified over the requested start_date / end_date period, and not just those created.
place Filter on a point of sales.
Enter your establishment code directly here.
surveyFilter on a survey.
See chapter Retrieve the "survey-id"
sourceFilter on source : "critizr", "email", "facebook", "google", "sms", "tripadvisor", "widget", "wifi".
email Filter on an End Customer email.
crm_id Filter on a CRM ID (aka End Customer ID).
first_nameFilter on first name of the End Customer.
last_nameFilter on last name of the End Customer.
phoneFilter on phone of the End Customer.
has_answersFilter on responses that have a survey answered (completely or partially) by the End Customer.

Possible values: true or false.
has_messageFilter on response that have an initial textual message from the End Customer.

Possible values: true or false.
has_replyFilter on response that have already been replied from the Local Manager.

Possible values: true or false.

Retrieve the "survey-id"

  1. Call the endpoint url https://api.goodays.co/v2/surveys to obtain the ID corresponding to the right survey.
  2. Then the "id" attribute is the answer.

Choose the date to filter

A response includes two dates:

  • The created_date: the date the response was created
  • Theupdated_date: the date the response was last updated because the client continued to complete the survey, the manager responded...

To define on which date to base the date filter you have to use the parameter GET date_field with the value updated_date or created_date.

This is important if you don't want to miss any updates from your end customers!

Example of filters

Retrieve the end customer's responses with a verbatim that have been answered by the local manager on a specific point of sales and survey and the source is the website:

curl --location --request GET 'https://goodays.co/api/v2/responses/bulk \
   ?survey=gxKrrlok4o \
   &place=ABC123& \
   &has_message=true \
   &has_answers=true \
   &has_reply=true \
   &source=widget \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: {access-token}'